Read n Quiz is up and running
for all 2nd through 5th graders!
Read n Quiz is a great incentive reading program where
students take comprehension tests on books they have read. There are different
amounts of points earned depending upon the length and difficulty of each book
read. The program keeps track of their scores and assigns points according to
their accuracy in answering the questions. Therefore, the tests should be taken
independently without help from others or the book.
We will be holding a “store” called the Bookworm Bazaar at
the end of each trimester where the students can “spend” the points they have
earned. The district funds accounts for all 2nd through 5th
grade classes. Many of the titles available are not ”good fit books” for the
reading levels of K-1st but we would love our little leopards to
have an opportunity to have points to spend as well. I will be working with the
K-1 teachers to find appropriate ways for their students to earn points such as
turning in their 20/20 reading calendars. We’ll let you know more details about
that shortly.
The students have access to Read n Quiz here at school but
they can also access it from home! Just go to the Lacamas website and under
Student Sites go to Library. Once you click there, you will see a link to Read
n Quiz. The username is the first letter of their first name and the first 4
letters of their last name(so mine would be llouc). The password is their room
Have fun! Keep reading! And remember….Readers are Leaders!
Mrs. Loucks